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Welcome to my website!
Many times I have heard people say that they do not understand sculpture and to some extent I must join the club, for I have always found that my reaction when confronted with a truly great sculpture cannot be explained and that one can only stand stupified before it and let its power enthrall. Sculpture is primarily a visual language and does not necessarily require words and explanations. For this reason everyone is equal when standing before a sculpture. Each viewer’s opinion is just as credible and valuable as the other’s.
I tend to think in series, making many variations on a theme. There are motifs and themes which reoccur from time to time, often returning decades later. I have been making sculpture now for nearly fifty years now and during this time I have been lucky enough to work in many parts of the world. I have worked, and still work, with a wide variety of materials. Landscape has always played an important role in my life and it is sometimes comforting to think of those works of mine which have been „permanently” sited in natural surroundings.
In such a time as that in which we live, when people become more and more addicted to the virtual world, the object has gained a new importance, functioning as an anchor to the real world. I like to
believe that for this reason sculpture has also become more essential to our healthy well-being than at any other time. Even so I should now like to ionvite you to take a short virtual tour in the hope that it will enhance your interest
in my objects.
Surf through my site and look at the photos of my works – the results of my activity.
Do the sculptures speak to you?
Do they contain a message for you?
If so my life has not been wasted.
Thanks for your attention. Have a good day!
1954 Born, London
1972-3 Foundation Course, Leicester Polytechnic
1973-6 B.A.Hons. Fine Art, Trent Polytechnic
1976-7 M.A. Fine Art, Manchester Polytechnic
1977 Grants from the Lawrence Atwell Charity and North West Arts “Untitled” bronze commissioned by Clayton Brook Village, England
1978-9 Fellow to the Artescape Trust, Lincoln Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts Award
1979-80 Fellow in sculpture at Bath Academy of Art
1984 British Council award to study public sculpture in Hungary
1985 International Sculpture Symposium, Villány, Hungary
1985-88 Art Director of the Villány International Sculpture Symposium
1986 International Sculpture Symposium, Bremen, Germany
1987 International Granite Symposium, Buddusso, Italy Bursary from the Pécs Graphics Studio
1988 International Wood symposium, Lenti, Hungary
1989 International Granite Symposium, Burkina Faso, Africa International Marble Symposium, Digne les Bains, France International Granite Symposium, Fujimi, Japan
1990 International Wood Symposium, Lenti, Hungary
1991 International Basalt Symposium, Mayen, Germany
1992 “The Border Symposium”, Rusovce, Czechoslovakia
1993 International Granite Symposium, Lendava, Slovenia International planning team for the Lindabrunn Sculpture Park, Austria
1996 International Ice-Sculpture Symposium, Oulu, Finland (with Matinlauri and Pernuu – prize) Arctic Festival, Luleå, Sweden International Wood Symposium, Lenti, Hungary
1997 Awarded the Baranya County Art Prize Guest teacher, International Summer School, University of Lapland Awarded the Doctor of Liberal Arts Degree, University of Pécs Development plan for the Rinya Valley, Nagyatád
1998 Arctic Festival, Luleå, Sweden European Fire-Sculpture Festival, Stockholm, Sweden Cultural development plan for the Villány-Siklós Wine Road
1999 “Zee van Stahl” project, Wijk aan Zee, Holland
2000 Arctic Festival, Luleå, Sweden Fire Sculpture project (with Matinlauri), Oulu, Finland IX. International Sculpture Symposium, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary II. International Sculpture Symposium, Carlos Paz, Argentina
2001 V. International Sculpture Symposium, La Norma, France “Angel XXXVI” commissioned by Villány Town Council, HungaryLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur, vim ad prima
vivendum consetetur. Viderer feugiat at pro, mea aperiam International Sculpture Symposium, Zwickau, Germany 2002 Art Director, International Granite Symposium, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary International Granite Symposium, Yeongwol, Korea
Prize for the Outstanding Artwork of the Year, University of Pécs
2004 International Granite Symposium, Ventspils, Latvia (prize) International Granite Symposium, Partille, Sweden
2005 Skulptur 05, Os, Norway Sculpture for the Duna-Dráva Cement Co, Beremend Participated in the “Yesemek Bienal”, Turkey
2006 Sculpture Prize of the International Art Symposium, Dubai, UAE International Arts Festival, Büyükçekmece, Turkey The Univesity of Pécs Publication Prize
2008 “River Valley Sculpture Project”, Yeongwol, South Korea Excellence Publication Prize, University of Pécs
2009 Excellence Publication Prize, University of Pécs International Land Art Symposium, Noszvaj (with my students) Land Art Symposium, Tolcsva (with my students) III. Lake Velence Symposium (with my students)
2010 IV. Lake Velence Symposium (with my students)
2011 Invited Artist, Ljubljana Festival International Symposium, Lazarea, Rumania V. Lake Velence symposium (with my students)
2012 Awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit International Land Art Symposium, Noszvaj
2013 Decan Emeritus, University of Pécs The Outstanding Publication of the Year Prize, University of Pécs
2014 Organised the Real and Virtual Spaces workshop at Bikfalva, Romania VIII. Lake Velence Symposium (with my students)
2015 Awarded the Hungarian Munkácsy Art Prize Nature Art I, Márokföld Fenomén Gemer ’15 symposium, Slovakia
2016 Nature Art II, Márokföld X. International Lake Velence Symposium
2017 Leader of the Landscape workshop, Miszla Participated in the Global Nomadic Art Project, Rural Stages XI. International Lake Velence Symposium
2018 Leader of the landscape Workshop, Miszla 46th Fine Artists’ Colony, Lendava 2019 Nature Art IV, Márokföld XII. International Lake Velence Symposium
Solo Exhibitions
1978 Salford City Art Gallery
1979 Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts Gallery, Hull
1980 St, James Gallery, Bath
1983 Festival Gallery, Bath (and public sites in the city)
1987 Dombóvár Galéria, Dombóvár, British Council, Budapest
1988 Gádor Andor Arts Centre, Nagyatád, Romanesque Church, Mánfa
1989 Kisgaléria, Pécs Sólyom László Arts Centre, Lenti
1991 Arts Centre, Szentes, (with István Böszöményi) Somogy County Museum, Kaposvár
1992 Kossuth Film Theatre and Gallery, Mohács
1993 Stadthalle, Wernau, Germany (with Csaba Jávorka) Kaposfüredi Galéria, Kaposfüred
1994 International English Centre, Pécs
1995-6 “Made in Hungary” Part I, Csontváry Múzeum, Pécs
1996 “Made in Hungary” Part II, Parti Galéria, Pécs 1997 University of Pécs (with Ferenc Lantos) Elderenbos Galéria, Salföld
1998 Visuaalinen Keskus, Oulu, Finland (with Géza Ferenc Varga)
1999 Dráva Múzeum, Barcs Pro Puu Galleria, Lahti, Finland (with Matinlauri and Varga)
2000 Pécsi Galéria, Pécs
2004 Kán Film Festival, Kán
2014 “Open Studio”, Nagynyárád “Artist Gardens” (Constructed sculptures from the 1980’s), Palkonya “Colin Foster at 60” Cultural Centre, Nagynyárád”
2015 “Traces”, Erlin Galéria, Budapest “The Secret Garden” Babits Art Centre, Szekszárd
2017 ‟White”, Art Salon Társalgó Galéria, BudapestLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur, vim ad prima vivendum consetetur. Viderer feugiat at pro, mea aperiam
Selected Group Exhibitions
1976 “New Contemporaries”, International Arts Centre, London
1977 Manchester Academy, City Art Gallery, Manchester “Foster, Gregory, Hitchins”, University of Liverpool “Northern Young Contemporaries”, Whitworth Gallery, Manchester “Six Sculptors”, Trent Polytechnic
1978 “Sculpture at Tatton Park”, Tatton Park, Cheshire
1982 “Sculpture in the Park”, Park Gallery, Cheltenham
1983 “Sculpture in the Garden”, Oxford County Museum
1985 “Sculpture in the Landscape Garden”, Probus Gardens, Truro VII. International Cleveland Drawing Biennale (Prize) 1986 “The Y.S.P. Collection”, Yorkshire Sculpture Park “Carving and Construction”, Oriel 31, Newport
1987 VIII. International Cleveland Drawing Biennale
1988 II. Wood Sculpture Triennale, Nagyatád 1989 XI. Small Sculpture Biennale, Pécs Kunstmesse, Basel Graphic Workshop of Pécs. Kisgaléria, Pécs
1990 “Syntaxe 90”, Tuchfabrik, Trier VI. International Drawing and Graphics Biennale, Tuzla I. Biennale of Sculptors’ Drawings”, Budapest „VII. Dunántuli Tárlat” Somogy Megyei Múzeum, Kaposvár
1991 XII. Small Sculpture Biennale, Pécs
1993 “The Lenti Collection”, Budapest Congress Centre “The Border Symposium”, Parti Galéria, Pécs “The Border Symposium”, Gallery Cyprian Majornik, Bratislava Pécsi Galéria, curated by István Hajdú
1994 “The Lenti Collection” Lendava Castle
1995 Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle XXIII, Premio Internazionale di Grafica del Pomero, Rho, Milano “Situation” Kunsthalle, Budapest XIV. Small Sculpture Biennale, Pécs (Prize) VII. International Drawing Biennale, Tuzla
1996 “Collettiva Internazionale di Grafica”, Galleria D’Art La Viscontea, Rho, Milano “Instead of Snow”, Konstens Hus, Luleå IV. International Sculptors’ Drawings Biennale, Budapest Siklós Salon, Siklós castle (Prize) “The End of the
Millennium”, Pécsi Galéria, Pécs
1997 “Metamorphosis”, Saint Stephen’s Art Centre, Székesfehérvár Csók István Galéria. Budapest Hungarian Salon ’97, Kunsthalle, Budapest XV. Small Sculpture Biennale, Pécs Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle Siklós Salon, Budapest Congress
Centre “Fetishes and Idols”, Jazz Galéria, Budapest
1998 “Instead of Snow”, Norbottens Museum, Luleå “Past Prize Winners”, Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Szo-Bor”, Genauer Galéria, Pécs “Cities for Peace”, Parti Galéria, Pécs VI. Wood Sculpture Exhibition, Nagyatád (Prize)
1999 Hungarian Institute, Prague Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Sculpture, painting, wine, food”, Kisgaléria, Pécs “New World, Old World, Common Ground”, Budapest Galéria “My Work”, Jazz Galéria, Budapest “Outdoor Sculpture” Hódmezővásárhely
2000 “Pécs 2000”, Pécsi Galéria Contemporary Art Gallery, Tatabanya Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle VII. Wood Sculpture Exhibition, Nagyatád ART MA, Dunaskej Strede “Sculpture”, Lambert Palace, Mór
2001 “Sculpture from Here and Beyond”, Kunsthalle, Budapest XVII. Small Sculpture Biennale, Pécs Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Artists from Pécs”, Touring to Porec, Osijek and Zagreb “Pécs Artists”, Hungarian Association of Fine &
Applied Arts, Budapest Siklós Salon, House of the Arts, Szekszárd “Artists from Baranya”, Arts Centre, Hajdúszaboszló
2002 I. Pannon Exhibition, Vaszary Galéria, Kaposvár Synagogue, Zalaegerszeg “Artists from Pécs”, Copenhagen and Stockholm “Artists from Pécs”, Galeria Piano Nobile, Krakow Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle 25th Jubilee exhibition, Pécsi
Galéria Galerie am Domhof, Zwickau
2003 “Communiqué”, Vigadó Galéria, Budapest “Colin Foster and his Students”, Kisgaléria, Pécs Contemporary Arts Gallery, Tatabanya Town Gallery, Szigetszentmiklós Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle Benedictine Cloisters, Tihány “Outdoor Sculpture”
Tettye Ruins, Pécs “Metal Sculptures”, Croatian Theatre, Pécs “Meeting”, Vaszary Galéria, Kaposvár International Museum of Contemporary Art, Yeongwol “Artists from Pécs and Baranya, National Theatre, Budapest
2004 “Artists from Pécs and Baranya”, Arad, Timisoira and Cluj “Outdoor Sculpture” Tettye Ruins, Pécs “Colour in Sculpture” Slovakia (touring) House of the Arts, Szekszárd Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “VI. Exposition des Sculptures
Monumentale”, Montjean sur Loire
2005 Siklós Salon, Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna XIX Small Plastics Biennale, Pécs Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle (Grand Prize for Sculpture) “Outdoor Sculpture”, Tettye Ruins, Pécs House of the Arts, Eger Kőbányai Pataky Gallery, Budapest
“Balanced Dialogue”, Grounds for Sculpture, Trenton, USA Siklós Salon, Hungarian Institute, Bucharest
2006 Hungarian Institute, Moscow Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Mediterranean Greetings”, Galerie mĕsta Plznĕ, Pilsen “15/5 – Gébart International Workshop”, Gönczi Galéria, Zalaegerszeg
2007 Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle
2007-2008 Arad Biennale (touring Rumania, Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic and Austria)
2008 Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle
2009 Arad Biennale, Arad, Rumania “Land Art”, Synagogue Gallery, Eger Siklós Salon. Siklós Castle
2010 “Fresh Air”, Miskolc Galéria, Miskolc “Land Art 10”, D-udvar Galéria, Budapest Meeting Point, Pécsi Galéria, Pécs Meeting Point, Kamazata Gallery, Osijek Siklós Salon, Pécsi Galéria, Pécs “Sculptors’ Drawings”, Youth Centre Gallery,
Pécs “Sculpture?” Nádor Galéria, Pécs
2011 The Lake Velence Symposium, University of Kaposvár and the KB Gallery, Kaposvár GébArt 20, Göcseji Museum, Zalaegerszeg Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle 14th International Arts Colony, Knights’ Hall, Križanke, Ljubljana 2011 Korkép,
Lazarea, Rumania
2012 “International Lake Velence Symposium”, MMIK Medium Galéria, Szombathely “Profesori Umjetničke Akademije Pečuh”, Kazamata Galerije, Osijek “Nature Art IV”, the cave dwellings, Noszvaj
2013 Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Tolcsva 15”, Mamű Galéria, Budapest “Geometry and Figurality” M21 Gallery, Pécs
2014 “Intertwined” M21, Pécs “Evidence” Sculpture Biennale, Art Mill, Szentendre “Hymna Slnka” Contemporary Hungarian Gallery, Dunaskej Strede “Sun Anthem” Fuga, Budapest
2015 I. National Quadriennale of Small Sculptures, Modern Art Museum, Pécs “Dilemma”, M21, Pécs “From Intimacy to the Public Sphere”, Art Mill, Szentendre Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Fenomén Gemer ’15”, Rimavská Sobota “Substance”
Nádor Art & Med, Pécs
2016 Siklós Salon, Contemporary Hungarian Gallery, Dunaskej Strede “ArtPort 20”, M21, Pécs “Nature Art – Augmented Reality”, MODEM, Debrecen Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Nature Art Variations”, Kunsthalle, Budapest “Gébart 25”, Town
Concert Hall & Gallery, Zalaegerszeg “10 Years/ Ten Islands”, Lake Velence “Fenomén Gemer – a retrospective”, Nádor Galéria, Pécs
2017 „25 Years Symposium”, Kunsthalle, Budapest Siklós Salon, Hungarian Institute, Paris ‟Sculptors from Baranya”, MKISZ Gallery, Budapest II. National Quadriennale of Ceramics, Modern Art Museum, Pécs Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle Global
Nomadic Art Project, Eastern Europe, Korean Cultural Centre, Budapest “10 + 1” Velence Island “Profesori Umjetničke Akademije Pečuh”, Kazamata Galerije, Osijek VII Bienala internatională de pictură grafică sculptură, Arad (sculpture
prize) “Dimensions”, Art Mill, Szentendre “Al passo con I tempi”, Academia d’Ungheria in Roma, Rome
2018 “Aspiraţii Dínamiće”, Museul de Arta, Cluj Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle Colin Foster, Pintér András Ferenc and László Valkó, Art Salon Galéria, Budapest Jelenkor 60, Pécsi Galéria “The Szárhegy Art Colony”, Brancusi Room, The Parlament,
2019 Salone di Siklós, Academia d’Ungheria in Roma, Rome “After Reality”, Didar Gallery, Isfahan, Iran “Stone, wood, metal” Csepel Galéria, Budapest “Ab ovo”, MKISZ Gallery, Budapest Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle “Endless Passage” Art
Mill, Szentendre
2020 „The current Position”, M21 Pécs „Free Play” II. National Fine Arts Salon, Kunsthalle, Budapest “Sculptures in the Garden”, MANK Galéria, SzentendreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus
consequuntur, vim ad prima vivendum consetetur. Viderer feugiat at pro, mea aperiam
News in the Biography

2021 Drinking fountain for Nagynyárád village
XV. International Lake Velence Symposium
2022 XVI International Lake Velence Symposium
International Nature Art Workshop, Bicfalau, Romania
Solo exhibitions: 2022 Nick Galéria, Pécs 2023 Dombóvár Arts Centre
Group exhibitions: 2020 Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle 2021 “Existence”, FUGA, Budapest 25+” Hungarian Society of Sculptors. Synagogue, Szolnok Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle „Un sfert de serol sub egida arteler”, Clio Room, Arad “GebArt30”, Town Concert Hall and Gallery, Zalaegerszeg “Contacts” V Biennale of Sculpture, Art Mill, Szentendre “Paralel” Centre for Arts in Transylvania, Sfăntu Gheorghe 2022 Siklós Salon, Lendava Castle, Lendava International Drawing Biennale, Delta National Gallery, Arad (Invited artist). Awarded “Diploma of Excellence” “In Memorium. Colin Foster and his students” Nádor Gallery, Pécs 2023 “Presence” Bartók1 Gallery, Budapest “Body and Soul” MKISZ Gallery, Budapest
Solo exhibitions: 2022 Nick Galéria, Pécs 2023 Dombóvár Arts Centre
Group exhibitions: 2020 Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle 2021 “Existence”, FUGA, Budapest 25+” Hungarian Society of Sculptors. Synagogue, Szolnok Siklós Salon, Siklós Castle „Un sfert de serol sub egida arteler”, Clio Room, Arad “GebArt30”, Town Concert Hall and Gallery, Zalaegerszeg “Contacts” V Biennale of Sculpture, Art Mill, Szentendre “Paralel” Centre for Arts in Transylvania, Sfăntu Gheorghe 2022 Siklós Salon, Lendava Castle, Lendava International Drawing Biennale, Delta National Gallery, Arad (Invited artist). Awarded “Diploma of Excellence” “In Memorium. Colin Foster and his students” Nádor Gallery, Pécs 2023 “Presence” Bartók1 Gallery, Budapest “Body and Soul” MKISZ Gallery, Budapest